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維修香港 x 社區文化關注 x 聖雅各福群會



2018年4月起,為維修香港 x 社區文化關注兩個團體共同營運。




社區文化關注是於2006年成立的慈善NGO,目的是在香港實踐「社區營造」。西九龍文化區推倒重來、保育天星皇后碼頭、藍屋活保育、保衛及重建菜園村、到土瓜灣社區達人計劃、打造「土家」(土瓜灣故事館) 的實驗社區,CCC 一直默默耕耘香港的多元社區,期望與街坊及各界人士共同編織社區人、物、事的韌網,面對種種挑戰之時,培育對社區的想像,並一起落手落腳參與改變。



維修香港 透過探訪及提供維修服務,關顧社區內的弱勢社群,從而喚醒對社會事務的公民參與。



「土瓜灣故事館, 又在同事間簡稱作「土家」。設館目的是為了進入社區, 感受人文生活, 慢慢凝聚成一個屬於土瓜灣的「家」, 既運用屬於大家的公共空間, 又以本「土」的故事館作為大本營, 希望像家一樣互助, 守護「土」瓜灣這個盛載無數生活故事的地方。


故事館的主要成員包括資深社工小田, 藝術家王棠, 半職媽媽阿玲, 更少不了一群實習社工, 和來自不同院校的實習同學們幫忙。 


土瓜灣區曾經作為香港輕工業發展的重鎮, 面對香港經濟轉營, 工廠不斷北移, 縱然光輝不再, 當中的傳統手藝及拼搏精神仍然值得下一代尊敬、學習。另外, 沙中線的發展將為舊區帶來翻天覆地的改變, 急速的重建發展將尚存的特色行業, 包括車房、五金、鋼鐵等邊緣化, 原有的社區網絡被瓦解。因此, 重現土瓜灣的地區特色, 建立居民對社區的身份認同, 鼓勵他們關注地區的發展, 長遠共同活化舊區, 改善人活, 將會是我們計劃的重點。」



The House of To Kwa Wan Stories, also known as “ToHome” among us. Our goal is to enter the community, to feel and experience the local people’s lives, in order to build a “Home” that belongs to To Kwa Wan. Base on our headquarter at the Stories of House, at the same time interacting with the public space here. We are hoping to document many living stories in To Kwa Wan, and to guard this place as our Home.


Key members of the Stories of House includes Senior social worker Lai, Artist Wong Tong, a part-time staff Ling, and many students who are doing their internship from different colleges.


To Kwa Wan was once the center of light industries in Hong Kong. It has witnessed Hong Kong’s economic restructure when most factories moved to the North. The glory of the light industry has faded away, yet the traditional craftsmanship and the hardworking spirit are still worth respecting and learning by the new generations.


The development of Shatin to Central Link will bring enormous change to the old districts. The rapid redevelopment will marginalize and eliminate small business such as the garages and hardware stores. The existing local community network will eventually fall apart.


This project focuses on re-discover the character of To Kwa Wan, helping the residents to create a sense of belonging in the community, and encouraging them to care more of the local development. Therefore, we can build a vision of revitalizing the old district in the long run and improve the lives of people.

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