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土瓜灣文化線  Tour of To Kwa Wan Cultural Line


1) 牛棚  Cattle Depot

牛棚內的藝團, 由油街搬遷至此超過十年, 當中他們的心路歷程是怎樣呢


The Cattle Depot Artist Village was moved a decade ago from Oil Street. Could you imagine how such an transformation has influenced the artists throughout the time?


2) 宋皇臺  Sung Wong Toi

宋王臺加上最近發現的宋朝古井, 令我們更加豐富香港於宋朝年間的生活


Recent findings of the ancient artifacts from Sung Dynasty as well as the Sung Wong Toi historical site, enable us to learn more about the life of the Sung era in Hong Kong.


3) 北帝街片場  Buk Dai Street Film Site

原來, 邵氏的片場原本就是在北帝街, 那時最多有6間片場, 有東方荷李活之稱。


The Shaw Brother Studios also known as the “Hollywood of the East”, once had a maximum number of 6 film sites, originally located in Buk Dai Street.


4) 聖三一堂  Holy Trinity Cathedral

1937年興建的聖三一堂, 是香港聖公會在九龍半島的首間華人聖堂


The Holy Trinity Cathedral was built in 1937. It was the first Chinese Cathedral of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Wui in Kowloon.


5) 新亞中學  New Asia College

中大新亞書院的前身, 九十年代, 牟宗三老師依然繼續於此地授課哲學


It was the first generation of the New Asia College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. During the 90s, Mr Mo ZongSan taught philosophy at the College.





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